Vaginal dryness is a common female problem that can disrupt your sex life. Here are six supplements and vitamins you might want to consider taking in order to combat this condition.
The “vitamins for dryness” is a list of 6 supplements and vitamins that might help with vaginal dryness. The list includes calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin D, vitamin E, and selenium.
Because discussing vaginal dryness with a healthcare provider may be unpleasant for women, many women suffer unnecessarily.
Meanwhile, if the illness is not treated quickly, it may worsen.
While it’s always essential to see your doctor if you have any medical issues, there are a number of natural techniques to assist enhance lubrication.
Vaginal Dryness: What Causes It?
Vaginal dryness, commonly known as atrophic vaginitis, affects all women to varying degrees as they become older.
The hormone estrogen is primarily responsible for natural vaginal lubrication. Both vaginal and sexual health are influenced by estrogen.
As estrogen levels fall, vaginal tissue can become dry, thin, and fragile, making sex uncomfortable.
Vaginal dryness may affect women of all ages, although it is more frequent among menopausal women.
Other Vaginal Dryness: What Causes It? may include:
- Menstrual cycles, childbirth, and breast-feeding all cause hormonal variations.
- Chemotherapy, radiation, and hormone therapy are all used to treat cancer.
- Ovaries are surgically removed.
- Hormonal contraceptives are a kind of hormonal contraception.
- Sjogren’s Syndrome, for example, is an autoimmune illness.
- Deficiencies in the diet
- Dehydration
- Excessive anxiety
- Depression
Many of these symptoms might indicate the presence of additional underlying issues. Always consult your doctor to determine the best course of action for you.
Vaginal Dryness Symptoms
The Vaginal Dryness Symptoms can vary, and a woman will not necessarily experience all of them at the same time.
Among the signs and symptoms are:
- Dryness, stinging, burning, or itching in the vaginal area
- Loss of libido/sex interest
- During intercourse, there is pain.
- During intercourse, there is less lubrication.
- After intercourse, there is some little bleeding.
- Infections of the urinary system on a regular basis (UTIs)
Vitamins & Supplements for Vaginal Dryness
While hormone treatment may be used to treat vaginal dryness, many women may find that taking supplements to improve female lubrication is a safer choice.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that aids in immunological function as well as cardiovascular health.
Vitamin E may also be a good supplement for vaginal dryness, according to some promising study.
In a modest 2016 research, 52 postmenopausal women were tested on the effects of vitamin E suppositories on vaginal dryness.
Vitamin E vaginal suppositories were reported to benefit the majority of subjects with symptoms of vaginal atrophy, such as dryness.
Another study published in 2019 looked at the effects of vitamin D and E vaginal suppositories on vaginal atrophy and dryness in women taking tamoxifen for breast cancer.
Both vitamin D and E vaginal suppositories were shown to be useful in reducing vaginal atrophy, including dryness, in women with breast cancer, according to researchers.
This is hopeful study for cancer patients who are unable to alleviate their vaginal dryness symptoms with hormone treatment.
Both vitamin D and vitamin E suppositories can be used as a safer, alternative therapy to improve Vaginal Dryness Symptoms.
Vitamin E supplements are generally regarded safe for most individuals when used at the recommended dosage.
Vitamin E can be safely used to help the Vaginal Dryness Symptoms either as a suppository or an oral supplement. Speak to your doctor about the best option for you.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for healthy bones, muscular function, and immune system function.
Another substance to explore to improve vaginal lubrication is vitamin D.
The effects of vitamin D vaginal suppositories on vaginal atrophy, particularly vaginal dryness, were studied in a 2015 clinical experiment.
Forty-four women were randomly assigned to one of two groups: treatment or control, and were given either a vitamin D or a placebo vaginal suppository daily for eight weeks.
Researchers found that vitamin D vaginal suppositories had protective effects that decreased During intercourse, there is pain., improved vaginal pH, and reduced dryness compared to the placebo suppositories.
Vitamin D administration enhanced the development of vaginal epithelial cells, improved vaginal pH, and reduced vaginal dryness in menopausal women, according to a comprehensive analysis published in 2019.
A vitamin D intake of 600 IU or less has no substantial safety risks. Consult your doctor to decide the appropriate dosage for you.
Vitamin D may help women’s vaginal health, especially during menopause.
Probiotics have long been lauded for their gut-health benefits, but new study reveals that they may also benefit the vaginal “environment.”
According to one research, the cause of vaginal dryness isn’t only low estrogen levels; the low estrogen also inhibits the development of probiotic bacteria in the vagina.
Vaginal dryness, atrophy, and the risk of vaginal infections may all result from this.
Oral probiotics, according to researchers, may help the vaginal ‘environment’ by avoiding a reduction in the protective vaginal flora, which can lead to dryness and discomfort.
Probiotics may help improve the symptoms of vaginal atrophy, such as vaginal dryness, according to another 2014 study, although researchers cautioned that further research is required to validate this association.
Probiotics may induce stomach problems such as gas, bloating, and diarrhea. Consult your doctor to determine which probiotic is right for you.
If you want to improve the health of your vaginal “environment,” you should eat foods that are high in probiotics.
Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi, and tempeh are examples.
Probiotics may help promote good bacteria in the vaginal area, which can aid with dryness.
Fatty Acids Omega-3
Fatty Acids Omega-3 are essential fatty acids that play a role in hormone production and provide various health benefits.
By improving female lubrication, omega-3s may also aid with vaginal dryness.
Taking omega-3 supplements improved the symptoms of atrophic vaginitis (thinning, dryness, and inflammation of the vaginal walls) in postmenopausal breast cancer survivors, according to a 2012 research.
In a more recent 2019 study, researchers found that higher intakes of dietary EPA and DHA, two types of Fatty Acids Omega-3, helped relieve menopause symptoms, including vaginal dryness, itching, and discomfort.
Fatty Acids Omega-3 are considered a safe supplement for most people at dosages below 3000 mg.
Salmon, mackerel, oysters, flax seeds, and walnuts are all good sources of omega 3.
Fatty Acids Omega-3 can help increase lubrication in the vagina and decrease inflammation.
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Hyaluronic Acid is a kind of hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic Acid is a kind of Hyaluronic acid is a transparent, sticky substance that the body produces naturally.
The main function of Hyaluronic Acid is a kind of hyaluronic acid is to retain water to ensure your skin and surrounding tissues are moist and well lubricated.
One 2016 study compared the effectiveness of a Hyaluronic Acid is a kind of hyaluronic acid vaginal cream versus conjugated estrogen (medication containing a mixture of estrogen) for the treatment of vaginal atrophy.
The study found that both Hyaluronic Acid is a kind of hyaluronic acid and conjugated estrogen can improve the symptoms of vaginal atrophy.
However, Hyaluronic Acid is a kind of hyaluronic acid was more effective and is a better treatment option for women who do not want to or cannot receive hormone therapy.
A 2021 systematic review of the literature also found that Hyaluronic Acid is a kind of hyaluronic acid has efficacy similar to vaginal estrogens for the treatment of vaginal atrophy.
Researchers suggested that the use of Hyaluronic Acid is a kind of hyaluronic acid is an attractive alternative for women who cannot or choose not to use hormonal treatment.
Hyaluronic Acid is a kind of Except for individuals who are allergic to it, hyaluronic acid is harmless for most people. Before using any supplements, always with your doctor.
Hyaluronic Acid is a kind of Hyaluronic acid may assist enhance lubrication by retaining moisture in the vaginal region.
Kudzu is a Chinese herb that is used to heal a range of diseases.
According to some studies, ingesting kudzu orally may help with menopausal symptoms including vaginal dryness.
Taking kudzu on a regular basis was proven to help alleviate vaginal dryness and restore the health of vaginal tissue in an earlier research.
According to a comprehensive study published in 2015, the evidence on the advantages of employing different kinds of kudzu to reduce vaginal dryness is mixed.
Kudzu looks to be safe when consumed in moderate dosages. However, there have been instances of severe liver abnormalities and anemia. Consult your doctor to determine what is best for you.
Kudzu may assist with menopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness, but further study is required right now.
Natural Ways to Increase Female Lubrication
It’s possible that using supplements to boost vaginal lubrication isn’t for everyone. Fortunately, there are natural techniques to boost vaginal lubrication:
- Maintain a sexually active relationship with a partner or by yourself. Any sexual activity may boost blood flow to the vaginal area, helping to maintain the tissue around your genitals healthy.
- Make your body move. Exercise, in any form, may assist to keep hormones in check.
- Keep yourself hydrated. Drinking enough of water may aid in the maintenance of bodily moisture.
- Use lubricants that are water-based. These lubricants may aid in the reduction of discomfort during sexual activity.
- Engage in stress-relieving activities. Vaginal dryness may be exacerbated by stress and worry. Reduce your stress levels by practicing meditation or yoga.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to vaginal dryness and other menopausal symptoms, estrogen medication is often the first line of defense.
However, utilizing estrogen treatment to alleviate menopausal symptoms entails hazards for many women, especially those with a history of cancer.
The research on supplements for vaginal dryness is encouraging. The studies linking the use of vitamin E and vitamin D vaginal suppositories and Hyaluronic Acid is a kind of hyaluronic acid vaginal cream for female lubrication are strong.
The data supporting the use of probiotics, omega-3 fatty acids, or kudzu to treat vaginal dryness is somewhat limited. I would need to perform further study before recommending such substances for vaginal dryness.
However, before using any supplement to help with menopausal symptoms, you should consult with your healthcare physician first. Certain supplements in high amounts might be harmful to your long-term health.
A Message from Our RD
While taking a vaginal dryness supplement may not be for everyone, there are foods that may help you improve your vaginal health from the inside out. The following are some dietary suggestions:
- Make an effort to eat foods that are high in probiotics on a regular basis. To help nourish your vaginal flora, start your day with some yogurt or kefir.
- Increasing the amount of leafy greens you consume. Circulation, especially blood flow to the vaginal area, may be improved by eating leafy greens.
- Avocados should be included in your diet. Avocados are high in unsaturated fats, which may help boost estrogen levels and strengthen vaginal walls.
- Include fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, and tuna), sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds in your diet to boost your fatty acid consumption. Increased vaginal lubrication may be aided by a diet rich in fatty acids.
Watch This Video-
The “insert vitamin e capsules” is a supplement that might help with vaginal dryness. The 6 supplements and vitamins that might help with vaginal dryness are Vitamin E, Fish Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Pumpkin Seed Oil and Soybean Oil.
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