Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled Review

Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled

Ingredients 6.5
Safety 5.5
Price 6.0
Dosage 7.0


  • Some good ingredients


  • More could be added
  • Potential side effects from St Johns Wort

Happy Healthy Hippie Joy Filled Review: What does it do?

Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled is a company that sells all-natural, vegan, gluten-free foods. They believe in the power of plant foods and are passionately committed to providing people with the best tasting, nutrient-dense food they can for their health.

In this review, we look closer at Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled to see how effective it really is.

We consider:

  • Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled Ingredients

  • Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled Side Effects

  • Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled Safety

  • Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled Price

to see if it is the best choice for you.

Here’s what you need to know.

Happy Healthy Hippie Joy Filled Ingredients

Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled Ingredients

Below are the ingredients in Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled:

  • St. John’s Wort – 200mg

  • Ashwagandha – 200mg

  • Rhodiola Rosea – 200mg

  • Lemon Balm Leaf – 200mg

  • Ginkgo Leaf – 100mg

  • Gotu Kola – 300mg

  • Eleuthero Root – 100m

There are some good ingredients in here in Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled. However, we wouldn’t say this is the best set up for a stress supplement on the market.

Below, we look at the main ingredients in this supplement to see how effective it really is.

This is what you need to know:

St. John’s Wort

St John’s wort is a plant in Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled that has been used as an herbal remedy for centuries.

The name of the herb comes from its traditional use to ward off evil spirits and disease during the winter festival of Christmas. The plant was also known as “the herb of grace” for its medicinal properties.

As a medicinal herb, St John’s wort has been used to treat depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder and seasonal affective disorder. It is also believed to be useful in treating nerve pain and headaches, as well as relieving menstrual cramps and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

St John’s Wort is a plant that is used in herbal medicine to treat depression and anxiety.

The plant has been used since the ancient Greeks to heal wounds, act as a laxative and reduce fever.

St. John’s wort is a plant whose leaves and flowers are used to make medicine.

The plant gets its name from its blooming period around June 24, which is the birthday of the apostle John the Baptist. The flowers are usually golden yellow or pale pink in color.


Ashwagandha is a plant in Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled, that belongs to the nightshade family and is often used for its medicinal properties.

Ashwagandha is an herb with a long history of use in herbal and ayurvedic medicine, and it has shown potential to help with a variety of health conditions.

Ashwagandha is an herb that is native to India and has been used for centuries for its healing properties.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is an herb that is native to India and has been used for centuries for its healing properties. The plant’s roots have the largest concentration of medicinal compounds. Ashwagandha supplements are taken by people who want to build up their immune system, clear their skin, or even improve their sleep quality and reduce anxiety.

Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola rosea is a flowering plant in Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled that is part of the Crassulaceae family.

Rhodiola rosea is a flowering plant in the Crassulaceae family. It grows in cooler regions of North America and Eurasia. The medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea were first discovered by Swedish botanist, Peter Kalm. He wrote about it in his journals after observing its medicinal properties during his travels to North America and Russia.

This plant has been used for centuries as an adaptogen, to increase energy levels, stamina, and support the body’s immune system.

Rhodiola rosea is a plant that is used in traditional medicine.

Rhodiola rosea, also known as golden root, is a flowering plant in the family Crassulaceae. It grows in cold regions of the world, especially across the Arctic. The plant has been used for centuries by people living across Northern Europe, Russia and Asia to combat fatigue and improve their cognitive skills.

The plant has a long history of use by Inuit and Russian populations to cope with physical and mental exhaustion. It has now been extensively studied as a treatment for depression, anxiety, physical fatigue, and cognitive impairment.

Lemon Balm Leaf

Lemon balm is not a drug in Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled but rather an herbal supplement because it does not contain enough of the active compound ipsenolide for it to be considered an FDA approved drug. The FDA has approved lemon balm extract as GRAS (generally recognized as safe).

Lemon balm leaf is a plant that is very common in the Mediterranean region. It is used to make tea and as a seasoning for food. It has been found to have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibiotic properties.

Lemon balm leaf in Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled:

  • is a plant that grows predominantly in the Mediterranean region

  • has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibiotic properties

The lemon balm leaf is an herb that comes from the plant, and is a member of the Lamiaceae family. It is also a part of the mint family. In France, this herb was often used for treating insect bites and stings.

Lemon balm leaves are often used as an ingredient in medicines – such as those for stomachaches or headaches – because it has a calming effect on those who consume it. The plant has also been used to create mouthwash and toothpaste, but should not be consumed by pregnant women or lactating mothers.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is an herbal supplement in Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled that is used to reduce the risk of memory disorders, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.

It has also been found to have antioxidant properties, which may be helpful in reducing the risk for cancer and heart disease.

Some people also take lemon Ginkgo Biloba as a way to improve their general cognitive function. It is often taken before an exam or other demanding activity.

Ginkgo Biloba is a natural herb that has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine to enhance the body’s response to stress.

Ginkgo Biloba has many health benefits, and it is able to improve circulation, stimulate brain activity, and protect against cognitive decline. It also helps regulate blood pressure and protect the brain from oxidative damage.

The first recorded use of Ginkgo Biloba was around 200 AD in China where its medicinal purposes were documented. A few centuries later, in 1875, it was introduced to Western medicine by German physicians who found that Ginkgo Biloba could be used as a treatment for asthma, with limited success.

Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola is a herb in Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled that is native to Africa and Asia. It can be used in herbal medicines to treat a variety of conditions.

Gotu Kola has been used for centuries in Eastern medicine for a variety of health conditions, including anxiety, depression, insomnia, and high blood pressure. The herb can also be taken as a preventative measure against cancer.

Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) is a plant native to India. The leaves are used in traditional medicine for their calming, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing properties.

In the Ayurvedic tradition, this herb is known as “the plant of immortality” because of the long history of its use to promote longevity and vitality. Centella asiatica has been traditionally used as a rejuvenating tonic that delivers nutrients to the skin cells and boosts collagen production for firmer skin.

Gotu Kola is also a plant native to India that is used in Ayurveda. It has been used in traditional medicine for its healing properties for decades.


Eleuthero is a plant from the Ericaceae family in Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled that has been used in traditional Asian medicine for centuries. It is said to have numerous health benefits such as boosting the immune system, reducing inflammation and preventing fatigue.

This section is about what Eleuthero, also known as Siberian ginseng, is and some of its health benefits.

Eleuthero is a plant found in North America. It is also known as Siberian Ginseng and has been used for centuries by Native Americans and Eastern Cultures as a means to reduce stress and promote physical endurance.

It is one of the few plants with adaptogenic properties which helps us deal with all types of stress, including physical, mental, emotional, and environmental stressors.

Eleuthero has been shown to promote general health and well-being, suppress inflammation, increase exercise tolerance, strengthen the immune system and promote healthy adrenal function.

Eleuthero, also known as Siberian Ginseng, is a plant that is found in the eastern parts of Asia and Russia. It has been used for centuries to help with mental clarity, fatigue and stress.

Eleuthero is a plant that belongs to the same family as Panax ginseng (Chinese or Korean). Eleuthero’s scientific name is Eleuteropanax elatum.

Happy Healthy Hippie Joy Filled Side Effects

Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled Side Effects

There have been no side effects linked to Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled. However, St. John’s Wort has been seen in some cases to cause depression, irritability, nervousness and tiredness if used for longer periods of time.

In a perfect world, we wouldn’t have it in Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled.

Is Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled Safe to use?

Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled should be safe to use. There are some issues with the St. John’s Wort in this supplement, but if you are not using it continuously long term – you shouldn’t have an issue with it.

Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled should be fine to use during stressful times, but you should not be dependent on it.

Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled Supplement Price: Is it worth it?

Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled is $29.95 a bottle, which is on the cheaper side of most stress supplements.

However, this reflects in it’s overall effect. It is not the best stress supplement on the market, but it does have some good ingredients which can help to some extent with stress management.

It’s entirely up to you to take Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled, but by raising your budget you can get much more effective stress supplements in comparison to Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled.

Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled Review Summary

On the whole, Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled does have some good ingredients, however, we wouldn’t say it is the best on the market.

Ingredients like St. John’s Wort really damage the ingredient profile in this product. Although it can help to some degree, it does have some potential side effects that stop it being a viable option that you can take long term.

There are better options out there compared to Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled.

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