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“Golo complaints” is a blog that reviews the supplement Golo. The blog includes information on what it does, whether or not it works, and the side effects of using it. Read more in detail here: golo complaints.
Golo is a weight-loss method based on the supplement Release, which was recently highlighted on Dr. Oz. We just evaluated another Dr. Oz-approved weight-loss pill called Plexus, which we don’t recommend, so it’ll be fascinating to see how well this business does.
In this post, we’ll look at the science behind the Golo diet regimen, as well as Golo’s weight loss supplement called Release, to see whether we think it can help you lose weight.
On the team, there are no public doctors or scientists.
Companies without scientists or qualified medical experts on their staff tend to offer worthless goods, as we’ve observed in past supplement assessments. This isn’t surprising, considering how difficult it is to design an effective supplement and do all of the necessary medical studies.
Only two people are named on Golo’s About Us page: its creator Chris Lundin and their President Jen Brooks. Neither of them is a doctor.
Chris has 30 years of worldwide sales expertise. That’s fantastic, but it doesn’t qualify him to create or market a weight-loss product. Jen has pursued a degree in “holistic nutrition.” This is not a medical certification and has no meaning. You may claim to have studied “holistic nutrition” after reading a book.
“We have a staff of committed physicians,” according to the Golo About Us website. So, who are these people? Because this builds credibility, every respectable supplement firm will mention the researchers involved (if they have any).
We’ll presume Golo doesn’t have any since he doesn’t identify a single researcher or doctor by name, which is a red sign.
Page of Deceptive and Misleading “Studies”
Golo claims to have done research to show the safety and effectiveness of their treatment on a page named “Studies” on their website.
The issue is that half of these studies do not seem to have been published in any scientific journals, and hence are not clinical research in any meaningful sense.
Any supplement company may hire a research firm to evaluate their product and only report positive findings. We feel it is a completely biased and unscientific method of doing research since customers have no way of knowing if more studies with unfavorable outcomes were done but not publicized. Consumers benefit from published research in reputable medical journals since it meets a high medical standard, including a peer-review procedure, and trial data are normally published regardless of the study’s outcome. There’s also a lower chance of prejudice.
One “research” Golo refers to on this website, for example, is nothing more than a PDF document authored by Blake Ebersole, the owner of NaturPro Scientific LLC. It includes some unpublished studies that suggests Golo’s eating plan may help people lose weight.
Blake Ebersole has worked in product development for a number of supplement firms, although he lacks formal medical degrees. He has a Bachelor of Science degree, which is equivalent to an undergraduate degree.
Golo is looking for for-profit LLCs managed by people with a Bachelor’s degree to conduct product trials that aren’t published in scientific publications. Because of the possibility for bias, we do not consider this to be real medical research.
The other two reports were published in legitimate medical publications, although they were authored by a Golo-paid author. In the “Conflicts of Interest” section, it says thus. This reflects a significant bias and, in our judgment, renders the data almost useless. There was no placebo group in one of the reported experiments.
In our judgment, the manner in which this material is provided is unethical.
Review of the Golo Diet
According to Golo’s Diet page on their website, “superfoods” are recommended to “help de tox.” This is just another unsubstantiated health claim.
The great majority of overweight individuals are obese not as a result of excessive amounts of environmental pollutants, but as a result of eating too much processed food.
Companies claiming “detox” benefits are usually a red flag that their product or service is not based on sound scientific research, because the vast majority of people’s kidneys and livers process toxins fine, and there is no strong medical evidence that toxins are the root cause of most modern health issues, as we discussed at length in our High Voltage Detox product review.
We don’t have a problem with most of Golo’s dietary recommendations, such as healthy fats, whole grains, and fresh fruit, but this isn’t information worth paying for. A whole-foods, unprocessed diet is best for human health, and most individuals who are trying to lose weight already know that quinoa salads are better than pizza.
We also feel Golo’s diet model is flawed since it does not distinguish between various forms of animal protein. Meat from pastured animals is healthier than meat from conventionally maintained animals, according to medical study.
Overall, Golo gives a reasonable diet plan, much superior to many supplement firms’ recommendations (like as Umzu’s ludicrous “Thermogenic Diet”), however we believe the most of it is general information. You’ll have greater health if you consume modest quantities of healthful meals rather than processed foods on a daily basis.
Review of the Release Supplement
“Release,” Golo’s main product, is a weight-loss supplement. Magnesium, zinc, and chromium are three minerals found in it.
We don’t believe that adding minerals without a verified deficit is a good idea since it might create health problems. There is little, if any, evidence that supplementing minerals in patients who are not mineral deficient provides any effect.
Some minerals, such as magnesium, have been shown to help people lose weight when they are magnesium deficient. However, there isn’t much proof that magnesium supplementation is advantageous for those who already have adequate amounts of the mineral. Mineral supplementation, in our view, should be tailored based on bloodwork findings.
Aside from the minerals, the product only has a proprietary mix of 297 mg, which is a very tiny quantity for a total blend that has seven ingredients: rhodiola extract, inositol, berberine extract, gardenia extract, banaba extract, salacia extract, and apple extract. This works out to just 42 mg per component on average.
We can’t locate a single research confirming rhodiola is beneficial for weight reduction in people, and Golo doesn’t publish any, so we’ll presume it’s a dud.
We can’t discover any proof that inositol is useful for weight reduction in the general population. It has been shown to be effective for weight loss in people with PCOS, an ovarian disorder. The inositol dosage in Golo is terribly underdosed, even when compared to the PCOS trials.
The majority of the research we looked at employed inositol amounts of above 1 g, which is far greater than Golo’s whole prop mix intake (of which inositol is only one of seven ingredients).
Berberine extract is a beneficial weight-loss agent, although it is underdosed in Golo yet again. The plant was shown to be helpful in a meta-study on berberine supplementation and weight reduction, however the lowest dosage in all studies analyzed was 1000 mg/day.
Although studies on gardenia extract for weight reduction is limited, it seems to be helpful. The dose in Golo is too low, considering the only human research on gardenia for weight reduction we could find utilized between 3 and 10 grams (depending on body weight), which is several times more than the whole prop mix amount.
One study on banaba extract found a weight reduction advantage in trial participants, indicating that this component might be dosed efficiently, however research is preliminary and there isn’t much safety data on banaba.
In an animal investigation, salica extract had no impact on body weight. We can’t discover any human studies that support its effectiveness, so we’ll presume it’s a waste of time.
The last component in Golo is apple extract, which, unexpectedly, hasn’t been shown to be useful for weight reduction. Consumption of whole apples, but not apple extract, has been linked to weight loss in trials.
Overall, we feel Release is a weight loss product that is ineffective and underdosed.
The “golo lawsuit” is a supplement that has been in the news recently. The company claims that they are not responsible for any negative side effects, but many users disagree.
Frequently Asked Questions
Has anyone lost weight with Golo?
A: Yes, I have lost weight.
How long does it take to see results with Golo?
A: Golo can take up to 10 days for results.
What is the main ingredient in Golo?
A: The main ingredient in Golo is guar gum, which can also be found as xanthan gum.
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