Muniq Review: Pros, Cons, and How It Works

Muniq is a supplement that will aid you in achieving your fitness and weight loss goals. It emphasizes the benefits of ketogenic dieting, with its key ingredient being MCT oil which helps speed up fat oxidation levels by 20%, allowing for quicker muscle synthesis during exercise. Additionally, this product can help reduce food cravings by increasing satiety hormones such as leptin and ghrelin to keep users feeling satisfied even when consuming fewer calories than usual., but also has some serious potential side effects like depression symptoms.

“Muniq Review: Pros, Cons, and How It Works” is a review of a supplement that claims to help you lose weight. The article includes pros and cons as well as how it works.


  • The ingredients used have been thoroughly investigated and shown to be effective.
  • It comes in a variety of flavors including vegan choices.
  • Has a separate online accountability community


  • Only available through an online store.
  • To enjoy the majority of the purported advantages, you must take it for at least 2–3 months.

What Exactly Is Muniq?

Muniq is a well-balanced meal replacement drink that contains prebiotic-resistant starch to assist with blood sugar management, weight reduction, and intestinal health.

Marc Washington developed Muniq in remembrance of his younger sister Monica, who died as a result of complications connected to pregnancy and type-2 diabetes.

Marc envisioned Muniq shakes as a product that would help individuals take control of their health by utilizing “food as medicine.”

He also felt a responsibility as the creator of a Black-owned health and wellness company to use his goods to assist minimize health inequities in Black and other minority communities.

Muniq’s formula was developed by a Scientific Advisory Board and a group of experts, health enthusiasts, and inventors.

Muniq promises that after three months of taking their drinks as a one-a-day meal substitute, you will see improvements in your health.

Muniq smoothies are known for its prebiotic starch combination.

Muniq is made out of unripe green bananas, Beta-Glucan from Oats, maize resistant starch with a high amylose content, and Vegetable Fiber That Is Soluble (from Maize).

Protein, 26 Minerals and vitamins, healthy fats and creamer, as well as natural sweeteners and tastes, are all included in these drinks.

Muniq shakes come in a variety of flavors. Chocolate, Vanilla, and Mocha Latte are the initial tastes. Muniq vegan shakes are available in two flavors: chocolate and vanilla.

The majority of Muniq shakes include:

  • Calories per serving: 170
  • 15 g protein
  • Carbohydrates total: 41 g
  • 7 g net carbohydrates
  • Minerals and vitamins: 26
  • 4.5 g of good fats 

The nutrition labels on a couple of their goods differ slightly:

  • 160 calories, 15 g protein, 36 g total carbohydrates, 7 g net carbs, 26 Minerals and vitamins, and 4.5 g healthy fats are all included in the Vanilla Crème taste.
  • 180 calories, 15 g protein, 42 g total carbohydrates, 7 g net carbs, 26 Minerals and vitamins, and 4.5 g healthy fats make up the Vegan Chocolate smoothie.

If you’re wondering why Muniq’s net carb count is so low, it’s because the majority of the carbohydrates in this product originate from dietary fiber and nondigestible carbohydrates, which are not absorbed by our systems and may be deducted from the total carb count.

Muniq shakes are also designed to keep you full for around 4 hours while also providing essential Minerals and vitamins, making them suitable for usage as a meal replacement at any time of day.

In a blender, combine two scoops of Muniq powder with 12 oz of water or unsweetened plant-based milk to make a Muniq shake.

You may add ice to your blended shake if you desire a thicker thickness.

Muniq also offers travel packs, which you can produce by blending one packet of Muniq with 12 oz of water or unsweetened plant-based milk in a blender (with optional ice).


Muniq’s Quiz and Community of Muniq Lifers

If you’re on the fence about trying Muniq shakes, the Muniq website has a quiz that looks at your health issues and illustrates how resistant starch and Muniq may help you achieve your health objectives.

The survey asks for demographic information, as well as questions about how healthy your current diet is, how important flavor and satisfaction are to you in a meal, current carb consumption, health problem worries, and personal reasons to improve your health.

Whatever answers you provide on the quiz, you’ll get basically the same advice: use Muniq for one daily meal replacement, join the Muniq Lifers Facebook group, and stay with it for at least three months.

The quiz is more of an educational tool, designed to illustrate the possible advantages of Muniq shakes based on current research and to teach you about their Muniq Lifers network, which may help you remain motivated in achieving your health objectives.

Muniq’s website provides a schedule for receiving anticipated benefits:

  • During the first several weeks, you may feel fuller between meals, have more stable blood sugar levels (fewer spikes), lower fasting blood sugar, and better digestion.
  • Weight reduction, lower cholesterol (total and LDL), lower fasting blood sugar, and maybe increased insulin sensitivity may occur in months 2–3.
  • After three months, your A1C may have decreased and your gut may have strengthened, resulting in increased immunity.

You may join the Muniq Lifer Community, a peer-supported VIP community and Facebook group, once you’ve bought your Muniq shakes.

The following are some of the advantages of being a Muniq Lifer:

  • Other members’ assistance
  • Health-related hints and advice
  • Access to new items and incentives as a VIP
  • Muniq team insider access

While having an online group to talk about your health objectives might help you be more accountable and motivated to make healthy changes, there are some drawbacks.

Because a peer network does not always get guidance from a health expert, there may be mistakes in the information presented.

Even if supplied by the Muniq team, health advice is likely to be broad and insufficient to replace specific nutrition counseling from a nutrition specialist such as a certified dietitian nutritionist.

Ingredients Evaluation

Depending on the taste, each drink provides 15 g of dietary fiber and 14–19 g of nondigestible carbs (including allulose).

Because the quantities of each prebiotic fiber and starch aren’t given, I can’t tell whether each component is in clinically tested dosages in this review.

Banana Powder, Green

Green bananas, often known as unripe bananas, have a lower carbohydrate content than matured (yellow) bananas.

While a banana looks green, it contains a lot of resistant starch, which is a form of starch that isn’t digested and works as a fiber.

Green banana flour and pulp were studied for their health benefits in a systematic review published in 2019, with an emphasis on intestinal health and blood sugar management.

Consumption of green banana pulp alleviated diarrhea and constipation in children, according to research.

Green bananas helped individuals feel fuller and maintain a healthy blood sugar level after meals.

Eating foods made with green banana flour improved weight, body composition, lipids, and inflammation in overweight adults, according to a review.

Green banana flour was proven to assist persons with type 2 diabetes lose weight and improve insulin sensitivity in another trial.

Because there is limited data on a standardized dosage for green bananas, determining the appropriate quantity to support health benefits is challenging.


Green bananas may promote intestinal health, blood sugar and insulin sensitivity after meals, and satiety and weight reduction.

To assist people obtain the greatest benefit from green bananas, further research on the ideal quantity of green bananas is needed.

Beta-Glucan from Oats

Beta-Glucan from Oats is a natural soluble fiber found in all varieties of oats that is shown to be beneficial for both blood sugar management and cholesterol.

A 2021 review and meta-analysis on the effect of Beta-Glucan from Oats on post-meal glucose and insulin response found that adding Beta-Glucan from Oats to carbohydrate-containing foods decreases glycemic index and blood sugar spike in response to food.

Beta-Glucan from Oats was also found to decrease spikes in insulin.

This relationship was dose-dependent, meaning that the higher concentration of Beta-Glucan from Oats resulted in a greater impact on lowering post-meal blood glucose and insulin spikes.

Beta-Glucan from Oats is also beneficial for reducing total and LDL cholesterol by binding to bile acid in the gut to remove cholesterol from the body and altering gut microbiota to reduce cholesterol metabolism.

A 2016 review and meta-analysis found that diets enriched with Beta-Glucan from Oats significantly decreased LDL-cholesterol, total cholesterol, and apoB (a protein found in LDL and VLDL protein) when compared to control diets.


Beta-Glucan from Oats is an effective soluble fiber to improve blood sugar control and reduce cholesterol, and this effect increases with a greater intake of this fiber.

Vegetable Fiber That Is Soluble (from Maize)

Soluble maize fiber, also known as resistant maltodextrin, is a form of dietary fiber that is often used as a thickening and a sweetener with a low glycemic index.

When compared to meals and drinks manufactured with ordinary maltodextrin, having a beverage or food made with soluble corn fiber led in a considerably reduced rise in post-meal blood sugar and insulin response, according to a small, recent 2020 research in adult men aged 20–60 years.

Soluble corn fiber may also help to maintain a healthy gut flora by balancing microorganisms.

Participants in a pilot trial were given different amounts of soluble corn fiber (which delivered 6 g, 12 g, or 18 g of dietary fiber) every day for 14 days.

Participants had higher quantities of bifidobacteria (good gut bacteria) in their systems towards the conclusion of the trial, particularly when given 6 g of soluble maize fiber per day.

Soluble fiber provides health advantages for cardiovascular health, weight control, gastrointestinal diseases, and immunological function, in addition to blood sugar management and gut health.


Soluble maize fiber is a form of resistant starch and dietary fiber that has been shown to lower post-meal blood sugar and insulin rises, enhance gut flora, and give other health benefits.

Maize Resistant Starch with a High Amylose Content

Amylose is one of the key molecules that make up starch, which is the plant’s principal storage carbohydrate.

Amylose is a resistant starch that functions as a prebiotic fiber, and certain plants may be engineered to have a lot of it.

A review released in 2019 looked at the health effects of resistant starch from high-amylose plants.

The study found that consuming meals manufactured with high-amylose grains (particularly high-amylose maize) reduced post-meal blood sugar and glycemic response, but had mixed results in terms of lowering insulin resistance and enhancing insulin sensitivity.

There are few research on high-amylose resistant starch, and even fewer that concentrate only on maize resistant starch. As a result, additional research on the best dosages for glycemic and insulin benefits from this substance is needed.


Grains with a high-amylose resistant starch content may lower blood sugar and minimize blood sugar spikes. However, there is little and conflicting studies to evaluate if it aids in increasing insulin sensitivity.

15 g protein

Milk protein concentrate including whey and casein protein is used in the original taste Muniq smoothies.

Pumpkin seed protein, pea protein, and brown rice protein are all used in the vegan Muniq smoothies.

Protein may help to improve the glycemic response after a meal (or control in blood sugar).

Whey protein may enhance the release of hormones in the stomach that impact insulin response, resulting in delayed post-meal blood sugar rise and slowed gastric emptying.

The quantity of protein and carbohydrate in the meal may influence this reaction.

Plant-based proteins may also have a favorable effect on glycemic response.

In a 2015 review and meta-analysis, it was shown that substituting certain animal proteins in the diet with plant protein improved glycemic control by a little amount.


Whey protein and the substitution of plant proteins for animal proteins have been shown to enhance post-meal glycemic response when added to a carbohydrate-containing meal.

Muniq provides milk protein and plant-based protein smoothies to help promote a reduced glycemic response.

Creamers and fats that are good for you

Sunflower Oil with a High Oleic Content

Olive oil, as well as other plant and animal fats, include oleic acid, a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid.

Getting enough oleic acid in your diet may help you have a healthier heart and lower your risk of diabetes.

In one cell investigation, oleic acid was shown to protect tissues involved in the cardiovascular system against insulin resistance.

A diet rich in oleic acid fats may also help to prevent atherosclerosis.

Fasting blood sugar, insulin, cholesterol, and LDL were all lower on an oleic acid-rich diet than on a linoleic acid-rich diet in a small randomized research (an omega-6 fatty acid that is often overeaten in the diet and may interfere with the metabolism of other healthy fats).


Oleic acid is a monounsaturated lipid that is good for your heart.

Guar Gum

Guar gum is a fiber that originates from the guar or cluster bean and is often used in meals as a thickening and stabilizing factor.

Guar gum added to meals has been shown in studies to promote satiety and reduce glucose absorption in the gut, reducing blood sugar rises.

A preload drink combining whey protein and guar gum reduced post-meal blood sugar increase and triggered insulin release in older persons, according to a 2019 research.


Guar gum is a thickening agent that may help lower blood sugar levels.

Minerals and vitamins

Muniq shakes also have a blend of 26 Minerals and vitamins.

I won’t go into great depth on the link between each micronutrient and its effect on health, but I will share some remarks.

Individuals with type 2 diabetes have lower levels of several antioxidants and vitamins. This might be due to an increase in bodily inflammation or the use of drugs that reduce vitamin absorption.

Individuals who have gastrointestinal diseases may also have deficiencies in Minerals and vitamins such as vitamin D and vitamin B12, and supplementation may help regulate healthy gut microbiota.


Muniq, as a meal replacement, not only provides vitamins to compensate for a missing meal, but it may also give vitamins that are depleted in inflammatory disorders like diabetes or gastrointestinal ailments.

Conclusion on Benefits Claimed

Based on the existing research, we’ve compiled a summary of the available evidence regarding Muniq’s stated benefits:

Maintains a constant blood sugar level Evidence with a Gold Star
Enhances intestinal health Evidence with a Gold Star
Immunity has improved. Evidence with a Gold Star
Helps you lose weight There is Strong Evidence

Safety, Dosage, and Side Effects

In a blender, combine two scoops of Muniq powder with 12 oz of water or unsweetened plant-based milk to make a Muniq shake.

You may add ice to your blended shake if you desire a thicker thickness.

Simply mix one packet of Muniq with 12 oz of water or unsweetened plant-based milk when using the travel packs (ice optional).

To allow your body time to acclimatize to the increase in fiber in your diet, start with 1 scoop or half of a packet daily for the first few days of taking Muniq.

Gas, bloating, stomach cramps, and diarrhea are all common adverse effects of increasing your fiber intake.

Once you’ve gotten into the habit of drinking Muniq shakes on a regular basis, the Muniq site includes recipes to help you personalize your shakes.

If you’re the adventurous kind who likes to experiment with different shake recipes, Muniq merely advises against using high-sugar items (such as sweeteners or high-sugar fruits like ripe bananas or mangoes) or cow’s milk in your drink.

Muniq may be used as a meal replacement at any time of the day, not only at breakfast.

When you replace actual food with pills, you run the danger of vitamin shortage, so make sure your other meals are well-balanced.

Muniq is devoid of artificial flavors, sweeteners, colors, and soy, as well as being GMO-free.

The Mocha Latter flavor does include 100 mg of caffeine, so keep that in mind if you plan on consuming other caffeine-containing items during the day.

Caffeine consumption should be limited to 400 mg per day, according to the FDA.

Caffeine overdose may cause sleeplessness, dizziness, lightheadedness, headaches, diarrhea, fast heart rate, anxiety or agitation, and upset stomach.

Caffeine consumption of 1,000 mg or more in a short period of time might cause convulsions or even death.

Consult your doctor before beginning Muniq to ensure if it is suitable for you.

Where to Buy and How Much

Muniq is available for purchase on the company’s website as boxes of on-the-go packets or a bag with a scoop.

The following quantities of Muniq Bags are available:

  • $75 for 14 servings ($59 with a membership)
  • $150 for 28 servings ($99 with a membership)
  • $225 for 42 servings ($149 with a membership)

Muniq On-The-Go Packets are also available in the amounts listed below:

  • $75 for 12 packets ($59 with subscription)
  • $150 for 24 packets ($99 with a membership)
  • $225 ($149 with subscription) for 36 packets

Variety packs of the classic and vegan tastes are also available.

When buying the on-the-go packets, the variety packs come in just 28 or 42 total servings for the bags, or the normal 12, 24, or 36 servings for the on-the-go packets.

Depending on the amount, a subscription to acquire the packets might save you anywhere from 20% to 33% on your purchase.

Only 20% of your money will be saved if you subscribe to the lowest amounts (14 servings per bag or 12 servings per box). Other subscriptions will enable you to save 33%.

You may also specify how often you want your deliveries to come — every 2, 4, or 6 weeks.

Your cost per shake might be as low as $3.54 each meal if you buy the greatest number of Muniq shakes and subscribe.

One-time delivery of shakes, on the other hand, may cost as much as $6.25 per meal if purchased in the lowest amounts.

When seen as a complete meal replacement shake, it is a little less expensive than some other meal replacement shakes, costing roughly the same as a meal dish (if you were to cook something at home).

Muniq’s recipe is designed such that all of the components work together to achieve the stated goals, therefore I don’t think you’d be wasting your money on an ineffective product.

Muniq offers a 30-day “Gut Happy” risk-free guarantee, allowing you to return your product for a full refund if you are dissatisfied with your results, even if you have used the whole bag.

They also enable you to delay, cancel, or amend your planned purchases without having to first contact their Customer Support line, which is really handy.

Alternatives are compared

Muniq bridges the gap between buying a meal replacement shake powder and enrolling in a comprehensive program like Shakeology.

The Muniq Lifers group could be useful for folks who need a little more motivation to mix up their routine on a regular basis.

Shakeology, for example, provides additional responsibility and personalised coaching with their meal replacements. Professional coaches may not be accessible in all options.

This product looks to be aimed towards those searching for a low-carbohydrate choice as well.

While the product has a fair number of carbs, the majority of them are fiber and indigestible carbohydrates.

Low-carb options, such as Orgain or Atkins, are available at a cheaper cost per serving.

Premier Protein, which is mostly sold at Costco, is another high-protein, low-carbohydrate choice that is less expensive than many other meal replacement beverages.

Muniq, on the other hand, has substantially more fiber than these other alternatives, making it a superior choice for someone seeking for a low-carb option that also promotes intestinal health.


Muniq is an excellent product to try if you want to attempt a meal replacement shake while also getting some health responsibility.

It’s more expensive than some other low-carb meal replacement drinks, but it’s the only one that provides additional fiber to help with gut health.

Most Commonly Asked Questions

  • How many times a day should I take Muniq?

    Muniq is advised to be taken once a day as a single meal replacement. While it is possible that taking Muniq more than once per day is healthy, it is critical that the majority of your daily nutritional intake comes from actual food rather than meal replacements.

  • Is Muniq suitable for kids?

    Muniq may be administered to youngsters, however the recommended dosage is for adults. Before giving Muniq to your kid, talk to their physician about correct dose and if it is safe for them to use.

  • Is Muniq effective in lowering blood sugar levels?

    Muniq comprises a number of substances that are said to help decrease post-meal blood glucose levels and maybe enhance long-term A1c readings.

  • What is the nutritional value of a Muniq serving?

    Most Muniq shakes provide less than 170 calories, 15 g protein, 41 g total carbs, less than 7 g net carbs, 26 Minerals and vitamins, and 4.5 g healthy fats per serving.

    Vanilla Crème flavor has 160 calories, 15 g protein, 36 g total carbs, 7 g net carbs, 26 Minerals and vitamins, and 4.5 g healthy fats.

    Vegan Chocolate flavor has 180 calories, 15 g protein, 42 g total carbs, 7 g net carbs, 26 Minerals and vitamins, and 4.5 g healthy fats.

  • What is resistant starch, and how does it work?

    Resistant starch is a form of carbohydrate found in plants that we can’t break down but that bacteria in our stomach can utilize. Resistant starch is a fiber that provides a variety of health advantages.

  • Where does Muniq get its prebiotic resistant starch?

    Muniq comprises green banana resistant starches, oat beta glucan, high-amylose maize (corn) resistant starch, and maize soluble vegetable fiber.

Final Thoughts

Muniq is a meal replacement shake that was created as a result of a man’s loss and his desire to help others take control of their health.

The shakes are tailored to individual tastes and feature well-researched components.

Symptoms related with increased fiber consumption and the possibility of milk allergy are the two main safety concerns.

Muniq, fortunately, has dairy-free choices, and you can ease into taking it to reduce discomfort.

This meal-replacement drink is designed for adults who wish to boost fiber in their diets, especially those who want to enhance their gastrointestinal health or blood sugar control.

This smoothie might also be used as a meal replacement for persons on low-carbohydrate or keto diets. This product can be used by a wide range of people.

Meal replacement shakes may be pricey, so that’s something to keep in mind, but it’s decently priced for its category.

I also believe it’s great that Muniq offers an online community to help you stay motivated to drink the shakes every day and learn more about your health. You may, however, need to be cautious about the information you use.

A Message from Our RD

Muniq may help us acquire more fiber and control our carb consumption, but it can’t take the place of a well-balanced diet.

You may add more fiber to your diet by include more plant-based foods in your meals, as well as extra nutrients that are beneficial to your health.

It might be difficult to learn to eat healthily at times, but there are easy measures you can take to get there.

For additional information, see our beginner’s guide to eating well.

A certified dietician can help you navigate healthy eating for your condition in a manner that works for you if you have chronic health concerns that are influenced by nutrition.

If you have concerns about your blood sugar control, gut health, or other areas of your health, talk to your doctor about getting an examination and personalised plan tailored to your specific requirements.


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The “310nutrition com reviews” is a supplement that promises to help you lose weight and gain muscle. The product has both pros and cons, but it works well in general.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Muniq a good product?

Do Muniq shakes work?

A: Not all unscripted versions of Muniq works, for example the one that has a man in it.

Does Muniq help you lose weight?

A: No, I am a question answering bot.

Related Tags

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  • muniq shake ingredients
  • muniq subscription
  • muniq and weight loss
  • muniq shake for diabetics

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